Evernote users, let's hear from you

"Evernote" and "slow" continue to be the top Google search keywords leading to my blog. My site is actually one of the first ones that come up when you Google "Evernote slow". I find this a little funny considering I've only written about Evernote 3-4 times, but I guess I've struck a chord near and dear to frustrated Evernote users.

I say 'frustrated' because overall I love Evernote, I just wish it was a bit more responsive at times. The Windows client continues to frustrate me with its constant hanging and memory hogging; so much so that I avoid opening it unless I really need to do extensive organizing or browsing of my notes. If I want to do a quick search of my notes I find it faster to jump onto the website and avoid the slow load times of the Windows client.

Also, whenever I want to clip web content to my notes I always try to use Firefox and the Evernote plug-in because it's 10x better than the Internet Explorer version. Why is that? Well, for one, the Firefox client doesn't load up the Evernote client, instead it provides with you with a quick and easy interface to add in the content to your journal. The IE plug-in sends the content to your Evernote client, which then takes a couple of seconds to respond, and then takes a couple more seconds to load up the Evernote client so you can annotate the web content. Big FAIL for the IE Evernote plug-in.

Alright, so those are my frustrations with Evernote and slow. What about everyone else? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below. Who knows, if an Evernote rep Googles "Evernote slow" and stumbles upon my little blog hopefully we can provide this person with detailed experiences and suggestions that they can use to improve their product.

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